Troostwijk family

Troostwijk family

zondag 28 februari 2010

Tsunami and Steve Irwin

28-1-2010 (Sunday)

Yesterday night we found about this tsunami warning on Australia’s coast due to the earthquake in Chili. We thought of leaving for one night but decided to wake up at 6, to see if the warning status has increased. Our apartment is really on the beach.
Ruben woke up at 6 and woke up the rest as well at 7. We went out for breakfast away from the coast. We think we were the only ones in Australia to take it that serious.

After breakfast we decided to go to Australia zoo today. Australia zoo is the zoo that belongs to Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, who passé away some time ago due to a ray arrow hitting his heart. It’s a 50 minute drive from Noosa.
Off course they have a lot of crocodiles over there. Our nicest encounters were: feeding elephants, feeding kangaroos (again), padding a snake, pony ride by Zeb and Sharai, and a magnificent demonstration with tigers.

For us watching the kids on the ponies was the best, even Sharai with her only 2 years rode like if she is used to ride.

The zoo like most of the parks we went to are over commercialized. But we had a priceless day.

Back in Noosa we had Patti again to babysit. The kids are very much at ease with her. Sharon and Ruben had a fantastic dinner next doors at an Italian restaurant called Lindonis ( The food and service were impeccable. Back ‘home’ Ruben watched some cricket.

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